DuPont™ KEVLAR® is an organic fibre in the aromatic polyamide (aramid) family. The chemical structure of para-aramids distinguishes them from other commercial man-made and natural fibers and gives KEVLAR® its unique properties. It has high strength, high modulus (stiffness), toughness and thermal stability.

In addition, it is resistant to many of the chemicals and solvents encountered in today’s industrial environment. This combination of properties makes it an exceptional fibre for use in tyre reinforcement, ballistics applications, ropes and cables, and in protective apparel where high strength, and thermal, puncture, and cut resistance are required.

Kevlar® by DupontTM

  • original aramid fiber by the progressive DuPont™ technology which is distinguished by strength and abrasion resistance
  • tear resistance
  • a high melting degree (450°C) ensures safety in case of high frictional temperature


Versatile and strong, Kevlar® fiber is more than just a series of threads. DuPont™ Kevlar® fibers are used in a variety of clothing, accessories, and equipment to help make them safer and more durable. With five times the strength of steel based on an equal weight basis, it’s the go-to fiber for protective apparel and accessories.

Kevlar® and DuPont™ are trademarks or registered trademarks of E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Company. 

PROTECTIVE lining Trilobite®